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Blog Archive
- New OVAS for Beelzebub and Toriko this year!
- Nuevas OVAS de Beelzebub y de Toriko a estrenarse ...
- Rotting the tree of life
- Bleach regresa a Cartoon Network USA en Agosto!
- Ao no Exorxist: the next Bleach?
- Bleach will be back with new episodes on Cartoon N...
- Early tetrapod footprints from Poland: what change...
- Ao no Exorxist: el próximo Bleach?
- Andromeda Shun (part 1)
- Shun de Andromeda (parte 1)
- Deepak Chopra Fail
- That snake with a leg...?
- On the use of the stem group concept.
- Cancelling Coulter:the U of O's shame
- This week's featured AMV!
- El amv de la semana!
- Maybe some redemption can be found in parody.
- More unfortunate fallout from celebrities vs. science
- New promotional video of the Black Lagoon OVA!
- trailer promocional de la OVA de Black Lagoon!
- I'm a disillusioned Mac user today.
- More news on the upcoming Akira movie!
- Mas detalles de la pelicula de Akira!
- Carl Gans (1923-2009)
- Major Baseball manga comes to an end after 15 years
- El famoso manga Major Baseball llega a su fin
- Akira live action movie will have a new writer
- nueva pelicula live action de Akira tendra nuevo e...
- The famous website, along with others, has removed...
- Mangafox elimina 350 mangas de su lista de scanlat...
- Japanese Anime Creators looking for new talent
- Creadores de anime japoneses estan a la busca de n...
- the fourth Naruto Shippuuden movie will have a spe...
- La nueva pelicula de Naruto Shippuuden tendra un o...
- More info on the new Black Lagoon OVA!
- imagenes de la nueva OVA de Black Lagoon!
- A Supernatural anime in the works!
- un anime de la serie Supernatural???
- OpenManga: the new online 'official' scanlations p...
- OpenManga: la nueva plataforma de manga online
- US and Japanese publishers declare war to scanlati...
- Editoriales estadounidenses y japonesas le declara...
- New scenes added on the BD/DVD edition of the 10th...
- Nuevas escenas en el BD/DVD del film de One Piece ...
- SuperHot Female Fitness Free Best Wallpapers
- Larry Moran on Ardipithecus
- Bleach estara en el simulcast de Crunchyroll a par...
- Mas informacion de la edicion española de Soul Eat...
- Female Fitness Monique Minton Free Best Wallpapers